In order to go beyond the demonstration of CMR in the field of biotechnology and bringing their outstanding benefits to other sectors and an even wider field of applications, a European competence centre will be established, which will at the end of the MACBETH project lead to the foundation of a spin-off company, tentatively called “Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactors” (LCMR). The LCMR will provide access to the combined knowledge of the MACBETH project with respect to all relevant disciplines such as building blocks, modelling and system integration, valorising the project’s results through the structured offering of commercial services to interested stakeholders.
Business case for the “Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactors” (LCMR)
The ultimate MACBETH project objective is to fully exploit the potential of CMR by providing a European competence centre as a “one-stop shop” for all industrial, academic and educational communities in Europe concerned with CMRs and their applications. Not only the concept and feasibility of it, but already a detailed business plan including partner commitment will be developed during the project. This will guarantee a sustainable implementation and exploitation via the spin-off “Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactors (LCMR)”.

Targets of “Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactors” (LCMR)
The creation of a spin-off company within MACBETH has two main targets. Firstly, it will commercialise the advanced models developed in the project, both in terms of software and as services for companies that need to integrate advanced reactors in their facilities. Secondly, the company will act as a common platform of knowledge. With combining best-in-class knowledge and competences, breakthrough innovative technological solutions at single building block, integrated reactor, and overall downstream process level this platform can become the reference point in Europe for catalytic membrane reactors for the benefit of strategic industrial market sectors.
The members of the LCMR are industries and stakeholders with intimate knowledge of the market insights and trends for each single building block, as well their industrial feasibility in different sectors, thus acting as specialist consultants to the final clients. At the end, the platform should act as a “one-stop-shop” for the entire industrial, academic and educational communities in Europe, concerned with catalytic membrane reactors and their applications.
Realization of LCMR within MACBETH
The preliminary idea of the project partners is to create the spin-off as a light “start-up” organization, with 1-2 partners (TUE and POLIMI), technology providers in the lead for financing and managing the start-up phase, and the other partners contributing to create the knowledge base, building the products/services portfolio and provide them with a “on the call” basis.
During the first 12 months of the project a feasibility study will be conducted by doing further market research to explore the potential market for these modelling services. In addition, opportunities for IP protection of the modelling software developed will be explored. Based on these results, a clear and concrete business model for a spin-off including business plan will be established for the “Lighthouse Catalytic Membrane Reactors” (LCMR). At the end of the project the spin-off shall start to serve as the European focal point for parties interested to improve the environmental impact as well as the cost efficiency of their processes with the help of ground-breaking CMR.