MACBETH Kickoff Meeting in Waischenfeld
- 20/22 Nov 2019
- Waischenfeld, Germany
In November 2019, the MACBETH project started with a successful Kick-off Meeting. FAU invited all project partners to the picturesque town of Waischenfeld in Bavaria, Germany. The focus of the meeting was on scientific and technological exchange to establish a sound collaboration basis between all project partners and to define a detailed approach for the MACBETH project. Presentations on the four MACBETH cases brought all project partners up to speed about the individual perspectives, objectives and challenges of each case. In individual case meetings, the work and objectives of each case were discussed andcoordinated in more detail, resulting in the definition of next steps for the upcoming project period. Moreover, a cross-case marketplace on day 2 provided a platform for intensive multidisciplinary discussions and exchange to find further synergies among project partners. Last but not least, socializing events like table tennis and tabletop football competitions as well as vespertine get-together facilitated the communication among consortium members and strengthened team spirit. As a result, all project partners left Waischenfeld enthusiastic to start collaboration on MACBETH.