10th Consortium Meeting in Istanbul 14.-16. Mai 2024

  • 21/05/2024

More than 30 consortium members came to Istanbul (Turkey) from 14 to 16 May to hold the M54 meeting.
Day 1 was dedicated to internal case meetings. At the same time, the dissemination team worked on a new project video.
On day 2, the entire group visited the Tüpras refinery in Izmit. Dr. Serdar Çelebi introduced the consortium members to the technology of a refinery and his colleagues showed them the R&D facilities.

The cross-project meeting took place on day 3.


Tüpras also organised an interesting social programme. The guests were able to learn more about the history of Turkey, see the beautiful city Istanbul and get to know the culinary world of Turkish cuisine. All of this contributed very well to the community spirit.

Many thanks for this from the entire consortium!