MACBETH Webinar series for Professionals successfully completed

  • 26/06/2024

With the webinar on “Membrane reactors for BOC” presented by Dr. Rob Schoevaart we have completed the MACBETH webinar series that ran throughout June.



The webinar series included 6 different webinars with the topics from the project:

  1. “Modelling membranes and membrane-based processes” – Michele Ongis (MODELTA)
  2. “Pd-based membranes” – Dr. Alba Arratibel (TECNALIA)
  3. “Membrane reactors for H2” – Prof. Fausto Gallucci (TU/e)
  4. “Membrane reactors for HYFO” – Asem Al-Shaibani (FAU).
  5. “Polymeric membranes for hydrocarbon separations and membrane rector applications” – Dr. Torsten Brinkmann (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon)
  6. “Membrane reactors for BOC” – Dr. Rob Schoevaart (Chiral Vision)


Participants from across the globe registered for the webinars. We appreciate your active involvement and interest in our project!

Of course, special thanks go to our speakers!